This is the World Record typical and non typical whitetails. The typical is Milo Hansen's 213" from Biggar Saskatchewan and the Non-typical was found dead around St. Louis, MO scoring 333".
Congradulations to Bill Crutchfield with his 26pt buck. This buck was taken by shotgun in Charles Co. Maryland. It scores 268" making it the largest buck ever taken along the east coast.
This buck was shot this year in Adams, Ohio by an Amish man named John Schmucker (not pictured). This deer grosses around 300" and nets around 291" which will make it about the 2nd largest deer ever killed with a crossbow.
This bull was supposedly shot this year in the Sellway-Bitterroot Wilderness of Idaho and gross scored 575" and netted 530" with an outside spread of 79".
This bull was shot last year in west Texas with a bow and net scores around 435". This would make it the new Pope & Young typical world record if they decide to accept it. The elk was introduced by a rancher but was killed in free ranging territory. I don't know what P&Y will do.
This is David's first bull that he got last year in Arizona. A few of the points were broke and have been photoshopped in the picture. If he was not broke he would have net scored around 365".